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Roll with a plan, so that you can consistently outmaneuver your opponents.

Are you a white belt just starting in Jiu-Jitsu?

Tired of losing the rolling sessions?

Feeling frustrated with the slow progress you’re making?

Don’t worry; we’ve all been there! It’s part of the process.

This article will help you discover the secret to rapid advancement and success in your Jiu-Jitsu journey.

In Jiu-Jitsu, a ‘rolling session’ is a term used to describe live, unscripted sparring with a partner. It’s during these dynamic, high-energy exchanges that the techniques learned in class are put to the ultimate test. Unlike structured drills, rolling sessions are unpredictable and demand quick thinking.

This is where the importance of a predetermined plan comes into play. Approaching a rolling session with a plan equips you with clear objectives and strategies, reducing uncertainty and enhancing your focus.

Keep reading to find out how to plan and transform your rolling sessions and become the Jiu-Jitsu practitioner you’ve always wanted to be.

Plan on Executing a Single Sequence of Moves Over and Over… Even If They Fail… 

Just like a musician who learns to play one song perfectly over and over before branching off to others, a Jiu-Jitsu white belt should focus on executing a single sequence of moves over and over again as well.

This approach helps develop muscle memory, making it easier to build upon and adapt your techniques in the future.

And as a beginner in Jiu-Jitsu, it’s essential to focus on fundamental techniques that lay the groundwork for your martial arts journey.

Here is just one recommended sequence of basic moves for a beginner:

  1. Standing guard break: Learn how to effectively break your opponent’s guard while standing, allowing you to initiate an attack.
  2. Torreando pass: This is a fundamental guard pass that involves gripping your opponent’s pants near the knees and stepping to the side while pushing their legs away, allowing you to pass their guard.
  3. Side control: Once you’ve passed the guard, establish side control by placing your weight on your opponent, keeping your knees close to their body, and maintaining strong control over their head and hips.
  4. Knee-on-belly: Transition from side control to knee-on-belly by placing one knee on your opponent’s stomach and maintaining pressure, while keeping your other foot on the ground for balance and stability.
  5. Mount: Progress from knee-on-belly to mount by sliding your knee across your opponent’s body and establishing a solid base with your feet hooked under their legs.
  6. Cross collar choke from mount: Learn to apply a basic submission from the mount position by gripping your opponent’s collar with both hands and applying pressure to their neck, forcing them to tap out or risk being choked unconscious.

The Consequences of Rolling Without a Plan

Rolling into a Jiu-Jitsu session without a plan in your head is like going to war without a strategy.

As a Jiu-Jitsu brown-belt and teacher, I can’t emphasize enough the importance of having a plan in your head BEFORE entering a rolling session. A well-structured plan guides your actions, helps you stay focused, and allows you to execute techniques more effectively.

When you enter a rolling session without a plan, you may experience the following consequences:

  1. Lack of focus: Without a clear plan, you may find yourself reacting to your opponent’s moves without a specific goal in mind. This can lead to confusion, hesitation, and missed opportunities for attack or defense.
  2. Poor decision-making: In the heat of a rolling session, split-second decisions can make or break your success. Without a plan, you’re more likely to make impulsive or ill-informed choices that could put you in a compromising position.
  3. Inefficient use of energy: Rolling without a plan can result in using excessive energy on ineffective techniques or transitions. This can lead to fatigue and diminished performance as the session progresses.
  4. Limited progress: Failing to have a plan means you’re less likely to focus on specific techniques or strategies that you need to improve. This lack of targeted practice can result in slower progress and a plateau in your skill development.
  5. Increased risk of injury: A lack of planning can also contribute to a higher risk of injury, as you may not be fully prepared for certain situations or movements. Proper planning helps ensure you’re executing techniques safely and effectively.
  6. Reduced confidence: Entering a rolling session without a plan can negatively impact your self-confidence, as you may feel overwhelmed or uncertain about your ability to perform. A clear plan can boost your confidence, helping you to stay calm and focused under pressure.

Having a plan when entering a rolling session allows you to concentrate on specific techniques and strategies, maximizing your learning and development. By setting clear goals and working towards them, you’ll be better prepared to handle various situations and challenges, ultimately accelerating your progress in Jiu-Jitsu.

Consistency is Key:

It’s crucial to remain consistent in your practice, even when your predetermined strategy seems to be failing.

As you repeat the same sequence on your opponents, make slight variations each time. This repetition will not only improve your technique but also solidify the sequence in your muscle memory. Think of it like playing guitar: once you’ve mastered one song, you’ll find it easier to learn and play others.

Branching Out:

As you become more comfortable with your core sequence, you’ll naturally start to discover new variations and moves that stem from your foundation. This organic growth is the key to advancing in Jiu-Jitsu and unlocking your potential as a martial artist.

Trust the process, and soon enough, you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come.

Join Master Kang Chul’s Jiu-Jitsu Classes in Haliburton County

Ready to take your Jiu-Jitsu skills to the next level?

Master Kang Chul’s Jiu-Jitsu classes in Haliburton County, Ontario, are designed to help white belts just like you advance quickly and confidently in the world of Jiu-Jitsu.

With expert guidance and a supportive community, you’ll be well on your way to becoming the best version of yourself on and off the mat.

Don’t let frustration hold you back any longer.

Click the link below to secure your spot and begin your transformation.

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